SMTC Indonesia
The following OPITO’s approved Emergency Response courses are offered;
• TBOSIET with EBS & TSBB (offered every week on Monday – Wednesday & Thursday – Saturday)
This 3 day course includes the following modules:
Safety Induction, Survival Theory & Practical, Helicopter Underwater Escape Training (HUET),
Basic Fire Fighting & Self Rescue Training and First Aid.
• BOSIET with EBS & TSBB (offered every week on Monday – Wednesday & Thursday – Saturday)
This 3 day course includes the following modules:
Safety Induction, Survival Theory & Practical, Helicopter Underwater Escape Training (HUET)
with EBS (Emergency Breathing System). Basic Fire Fighting & Self Rescue Training and First Aid.
• TFOET with EBS & TSBB (offered every week on Monday & Thursday)
This 1 day course includes the following modules:
Helicopter Under Water Escape Training (HUET), Basic Fire Fighting & Self-Rescue
Training and First Aid.
• FOET with EBS & TSBB (offered weekly on Wednesday afternoon)
This 1 day course includes the following modules:
Helicopter Under Water Escape Training (HUET) with EBS (Emergency Breathing System).
Basic Fire Fighting & Self Rescue Training and First Aid.
• HUET with EBS (offered weekly on Wednesday afternoon)
This 1 day course includes the following modules:
Donning Of EBS (Emergency Breathing System) and Transit Suit EBS Familiarisation Exercise (Dry & Wet)
and Helicopter Escape Practical Exercises
• TSBB (offered weekly on Wednesday afternoon)
This 90 minute course includes the following modules:
Boat Travel Procedure, Personnel Transferring Technique And Survival Techniques.
• BOSIET Bridging (offered weekly on Wednesday afternoon)
• Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training (BOSIET) with Compressed Air Emergency Breathing System (CA-EBS) 5750 (offered every week on Monday – Wednesday & Wednesday – Friday)
This 3-day course includes the following modules:
Safety Induction, Survival Theory & Practical, Helicopter Underwater Escape Training (HUET)
with CA- EBS (Compress air Emergency Breathing System, Basic Fire Fighting & Self Rescue Training and First Aid.
• Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training (BOSIET) with Emergency Breathing System (EBS) Digital Delivery 5703 (offered weekly every day except Thursday)
This 1-day practical exercises in training center and digital theorical with within 90 days to completed includes the following modules:
Safety Induction, Survival Theory & Practical, Helicopter Underwater Escape Training (HUET)
with CA- EBS (Compress air Emergency Breathing System, Basic Fire Fighting & Self Rescue Training and First Aid.
• Further Offshore Emergency Training (FOET) with Compressed Air Emergency Breathing System (CA-EBS) 5850 (0ffered weekly on Tuesday and Friday)
This 1-day course includes the following modules:
Helicopter Under Water Escape Training (HUET) with CA-EBS (Compress air Emergency Breathing System), Basic Fire Fighting & Self Rescue Training and First Aid.
• Helicopter Underwater Escape Training (HUET) with Compressed Air Emergency Breathing System (CA-EBS) 5295 (Offered weekly on Tuesday and Friday)
This 1-day course includes the following modules:
Donning of CA EBS (Compress Air Emergency Breathing System) and Transit Suit, CA EBS Familiarization Exercise (Dry & Wet) and Helicopter Escape Practical Exercises
• Shallow Water Compressed Air Emergency Breathing System Initial Deployment Training 5903 (Offered weekly on Monday and Wednesday)
This 2 Hours course includes the following modules:
The use of the Compressed Air Emergency Breathing System (CA-EBS) and basic emergency response actions during a helicopter emergency using the CA-EBS